The world will end
The truth is nobody knows if the world will end in 2012. If it is true that the world will end in 2012, learn the secrets of 2012 so you will be better prepared to survive 2012. With all the stories you hear today its hard to tell who you can believe. You never know whats true when asking will the world end in 2012. Many people have already formed there own opinions and wont listen to any other explanations. Many try to make you believe their 2012 secrets but is it true?
The clocks been ticking since the world started and humans were born. The mayans predicted suffering and natural disasters like we've never seen. There's a lot of evidence pointing toward something drastic happening in 2012. Is it true the world will end in 2012? Of course nobody wants the world to end on December 21, 2012. All prophecies and expert research has come to the conclusion that the world will end in 2012. This could have another meaning such as a global awakening where we all become superhumans.
Its true that nobody can know for sure if the world will end in 2012. But it has been predicted by multiple research teams and experts that something is going to happen in 2012. To be able to prepare yourself for 2012 you have to know all possibilities that could happen. I hope its not true that the world will end in 2012! I know i'm going to be prepared for whatever might happen. There may be some outrageous claims out there but some of them make you stop and think.