As some may or may not know "Doomsday" is upon us. Well some people believe that theory to be true while other laugh. That's why I ask the question who believes in 2012 being the last year of existence. Let me just brief everyone who doesn't know. On December 21, 2012 the apparent "Doomsday" will occur. Don't just throw this off as a Conspiracy Theory just yet.
The Mayans have a calendar set hundreds of years ago, and there clock keeps going on today eventhough the Mayans were killed years ago. On December 21, 2012 is when their calendar stops (or resets). The Mayans were also respondible for closely depicting events like both World Wars. Still don't believe me. Einstein is quoted in saying (im paraphrasing), Everything on Earth is run by clocks. What happens when everything triggers at the same time? This theory traces back to when Einstein collectively figured out all of Earth plates and faults could and might move/trigger all at once, causing mass earth-quakes and volcanoes.
Still don't believe me. In the "Bible" it is stated that "God" will not end the world by water anymore but by fire, (Einsteins theory). Lastly Nostradamus the great predictor, who correctly prediction Adolf Hitler raising to power and both World Wars, first depicts a third World War, and it will be started by a third-world country (Iraq/Afghanistan). Also depicts the end of the world as being full of fire and power (War). My take on the whole "2012" theory is that I believe it will happen, so if I'm wrong, the rest of my life from December 22, 2012 will be gravy