The most important thing is to be able to distinguish facts from simple scare tactics. A lot of information presented by the media are either false or over exaggerated. There are many predictions about the year 2012, some backed up by facts, and many which are not. It can be difficult to figure out whats true and whats not when researching this topic. Opinions vary greatly, and people, who many of are uninformed themselves, will try to persuade you in to believing what they believe.
I've done a lot of research about the 2012 doomsday, and I believe that many of the suggestions for what may happen in 2012 can't be overlooked. There are to many fingers pointing in the direction of something happening, like the predictions found in ancient texts, the Mayan calendar, the galactic alignment, the possibility of a major solar flare, the magnetic pole shift, a government conspiracy and more. There have been many doomsday predictions in the past, but none of them were backed up by facts like the 2012 doomsday.
I personally doubt that aliens will come down to earth and kill us all, or that a giant meteor will put an end to humanity, but I do believe something very important is going to happen, and therefore it's important to know the truth.