There are many predictions about the year 2012, some backed up by facts, and many which are not. It can be difficult to figure out whats true and whats not when researching this topic. Opinions vary greatly, and people, who many of are uninformed themselves, will try to persuade you in to believing what they believe. The clock is already ticking, as it has been for many years. Every known prediction points to great suffering, and natural catastrophe unlike any previous experience. There is a great deal of evidence that all points to either a dramatic change on planet Earth, or the possible end of the world.
No one wants the world will end on December 21, 2012. The repetitive prophecies, research and scientific evidence strongly suggest that life might not continue on as usual. Will these changes bring about a global awakening; an unveiling of the truth? Will humanity enter into an age of new spirituality due to this cosmic event? Or will we need to make preparations to survive natural and environmental disaster? It will be difficult to plan what options your future holds without any insight of what could possibly happen next.
One thing is for certain, something is going to happen. Will it be the end of the world? Or will December 21, 2012 mark the beginning of a new era in human development? Something is definitely going to happen. What? We don’t know for sure, but the date matches up with so many prophecies from ancient people and religious leaders today, that something is sure to happen. You owe it to yourself and those you love, to learn more.