Maya empire

Maya calendar associated with the seasonal agricultural cycle central to the survival of the ancient. Planet X on Collision Course With Earth some say that's out there: the mysterious Planet X, aka Nibiru, on collision course with the Earth-or at least disrupt the flyby. Could such an unknown planet really going into our road in 2012. 

There are no objects out there, said NASA astrobiologist. That's probably the easiest thing to say. The origins of this theory really ahead of broad interest in 2012. Popularized in part by a woman who claimed to receive messages from extraterrestrials, that Nibiru doomsday originally estimated for the year 2003. If there is a planet or a brown dwarf or anything that would be in the inner solar system three years from now, astronomers will learn about it for decades and will be visible to the naked eye now. 

In 2012 several disaster scenarios, our own sun is the enemy. Our stars are environmentally friendly, it was rumored, would produce deadly eruptions of solar flares, turn on the heat in the Earth. Solar activity waxes and reduced in accordance with the approximately 11-year cycle. Large flares can indeed damage the communications and systems of other mundane, but scientists have no indication of the sun, at least in the short term, will issue a storm powerful enough to fry the planet. It turned out that the sun did not fit the schedule, NASA astronomers said. Hope that this cycle may not reach its peak in 2012, but one or two years later.