13 Moon calendar mayan

The Maya calendar also known as the 13 moon calendar, is an interesting piece of work both because of its complexity and because of its great accuracy. The Maya people have predicted many events in the past and the most discussed one is their prediction for 2012. So how does the calendar work and what exactly did they predict? Read on to find out. So why is it known as the 13 moon calendar? Well the reason for this is because the Mayans used a 13 month instead of a 12 month system, with each month having 28 days. Some will argue that this is a more natural way of counting time as todays 12 month calendar have a varying number of days for each month. There's also 13 full moons in a year.

Nobody knows when the Maya calendar was made but experts say that it was already in use around 600 B.C. The calendar itself starts on August 11 in the year 3114 B.C. The 13 moon calendar utilizes a long count in order to accurately measure long periods of time. This long count starts on August 11 in the year 3114 B.C, and ends on december 21. 2012. This end date is close, and have been the reason for many 2012 doomsday theories.

The Mayan people have had many remarkable predictions, like predicting 9/11 and solar eclipses thousands of years into the future. What's interesting is that many others have predicted something catastrophic to happen in 2012, including China's oldest texts, the I Ching prophecies. The I Ching prophecies have proven themselves time and time again, predicting World War 1, World War 2, 9/11 and more. I-Ching also predicts the end of time on December 21. 2012. What the end of the Maya calendar means is a highly debated topic. Some say that it's just a calendar with a random end-date and therefore doesn't mean anything. Others believe that the date have significant meaning, after all Mayans are not the only people who have chosen this specific date to signify the end.