Reasons why 2012
undefined Comments - 26 Feb 2010
If there is one day that the entire mankind is eagerly waiting for, then it has to be 21st December 2012. If there is something that many of the major religions have in common then it must be on December 2012 Doomsday predictions. Almost every major religious text has got references to this being t...

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Mayan calendar: myth or truth
undefined Comments - 26 Feb 2010
In the past few months, people's interest in the Mayan calendar and its prophecies has increased at a phenomenal pace. Public opinion on this ancient calendar is divided. Some believe that this calendar has no rational basis and is basically a myth. Alternately, there are several others who firmly ...

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2012 Prophecy exposed
undefined Comments - 26 Feb 2010
It is amazing that many individuals don't believe that some major earth changing event on Dec 21 2012 will happen. When I realized this, I selected to find out why so many folk failed to believe. It is my conclusion that many of us have experienced this so called dooms day eventuality during the pa...

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Die in 2012
undefined Comments - 26 Feb 2010
The most important thing is to be able to distinguish facts from simple scare tactics. A lot of information presented by the media are either false or over exaggerated. There are many predictions about the year 2012, some backed up by facts, and many which are not. It can be difficult to figure out...

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Olmec history

In Mexico, archeologists and scientists (see Sitchin, have found the most ancient calendar from Mexico dating back to exactly 3113 years B.C. and connected with an African civilization of ancient Mexico called the Olmec or Xi (Shee) Civilization.

The ancient Olmecs of Mexico and Central America were a facinating people. Upon the discovery of collosal stone heads in Mexico during the early part of the twentieth Century, there was no doubt that the facial features and hair texture (including cornrows) represented in the collosal Olmec sculpture represented Africoid people. Yet, for many decades, some archeologists and scientists have described what is obviously Negroid-featured sculpture as "baby-faced," "South-East Asian" "Jaguar-featured," and other terms used to cover-up their African Negroid identity.

Some historians and scientists, archeologists and others have for centuries covered up and made insignificant historical findings that show an African creation or connection to many of the world's first civilizations. Such has been the case in Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, Moorish Spain, Shang and Shia China, and Mexico. The denial of the contributions to ancient civillizations and the systematic cover-up was and is based on the maintainance of the myth of Black/African inferiority which was established in Europe and the Americas to make slavery acceptable, and established in India by the infiltrators of the ancient civilization of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro in order to claim that the ancestors of India's Black Dalits (Untouchables) had no civilization (see "The Black Untouchables of India," by Y.N. Kly, V.T. Rajshekar and Runoko Rashidi: Clarity Press, Atlanta, Georgia).

Today, the denial of Black history and achievements to world culture continues through propaganda techniques such as accusing Black historians and Afro-centric writers as being "politically correct," if they refuse to accept the notion developed during the period of colonialism and slavery, that Blacks have no history. Yet, the facts when presented seem to have no effect on the distractors, including those who had to admit they made errors when they attempted to deny what was and is the obvious and overwhelming evidence of the creation and contributions to culture and civilization by Africans/Blacks around the world.

The discovery of an ancient calendar in Mexico connected to the Olmec civilization and dating back to 3113 years B.C., the date given for the beginning of an advanced culture in Mexico, has actually shocked many historians and archeologists. In fact, reports point out that the Mexican authorities were "embarrassed," by the findinigs because they placed Olmec civilization as beginning about 1200 years B.C. The discovery of the calendar pushes the dates back to 3113 years Before Christ, according to Sitchin. The book, "A History of the African-Olmecs," published by 1stbooks Library, is the most complete and most facinating and intriguing book ever written on the Black Olmec civilization of ancient Meso-America. The books lays out the facts concerning the true origins of the Olmecs in Africa, with migrations from China and other parts of the Old World.

According to studies and research conducted by Clyde Winters, the Olmecs were Africans from the Mandinka region of West Africa. They used the Mende script to write and they spoke the Mende language, the same language spoken by Cinque in the movie 'Amistad'. The Mende script found on monuments at Monte Alban in Mexico, has been deciphered and it was found to be identical to the Mende script used in West Africa. Afterwards, the language was found to be the very same language spoken by the Mende of West Africa.

One of the most important connections made to show that the Olmecs were West Africans is the very strong similarities in race between the Olmecs and West Africans and the ancient Nubians. In fact, during a scientific conference held years ago, West African scientists identified Olmec artworkd and representations of Africoid peoples as West African. The Africans also identified cultural traits such as ear plugs, scarification marks and keloid tatoos on the skin and face, cornrows, braids and tassels and even afro hairstyle as West African. Moreover, according to Ivan Van Sertima (African Presene in Early America), giant heads of stone to represent important people in Africa was being done in the present era as well as in ancient Egypt and Nubia.

The 22 or more collosal stone heads carved out of solid basalt rock has identifiable Black African in racial features as well as cultural traits like cornrow hairstyle, braids with beads and kinky hair as well as a type of war helmet identified as Nubian have been found carved in Colosal Olmec sculpture connecting them to West Africa and the Egypt/Sudan region. Hundreds of clay and terracota busts, statuettes and figurines also show Black African racial and cultural traits. For example, scarification marks and keloid tatoos identical to those worn by West Africans and Sudanese Africans can be seen on some Olmec busts and terracota heads. Kinky hair, cornrows, braids are also represented (see African Presence in Early America, by Ivan Van Sertima; Transaction Publishers.

The Olmec are known as the Xi People, a group that migrated from Africa. Another group of people who joined the Olmes were the Black Xia of China. According to historians such as Wayne B. Chandler (African Presence in Early America), two of China's earliest dynaties, the Shang and the Shia, were both heavily Black African/Black Oceanic dynasties, with Mongol Chinese as well. They dominated China about 2800 B.C. to 1100 B.C. As early as 2200 B.C., members of the Black Shia began migrating out of China after they were replaced by the Black Shang Dynasty. The book, "A History of the African-Olmecs presents many references from Chinese sources to support the fact of Black civilizations in ancient China.

About 1100 B.C., migrants from northern China predominated by Mongoloids called Chou, invaded the Chang Kingdom and described the Chang as "black and oily skinned." During that period many of the Black Chang migrated to Southern China, Indo-China and the Pacific Islands. Others went to the Americas, where they met an established Black Mende culture in Mexico.

The African-Olmecs also had religious practices identical to that of West Africans according to "A History of the African-Olmecs," (published by 1stbooks Library, 2959 Vernal Pike, Bloomington, Indiana 47404 U.S.A ) Olmec religions included the use of shamen, the recognition of the Venus planet complex, the use of the ax as a prop in the worship of the Thunder God and the importance of children in their religion. In the African religion of Shango, shamen are used. In fact, a statuette of an Oni or Priest-king of ancient Nigeria falls in line with the description of the Olmec Shamen given by early American archeologists in the Olmec region of Mexico.

In the Shango religion of Nigeria, Trinidad and Tobago, Cuba, Brazil and other parts of African-Americas, the very same religion as practiced by the Olmecs is still practiced. As for Africa, the Venus complex is studied by the Ono and Bambara, both accomplished seamen who usd to sail the once sea-covered Sahara and the Atlantic. The Dogon of Mali specialize in the study of the Sirius star system and are experts in their accuracy and charting methods, without any telecopes. The use of the ax and its connection to the worship of the Thunder God was also connected to the Olmecs. Both the Olmecs of Mexico and West Africans practiced religions that included children playing a significant part.

There is overwhelming evidence in all areas that the first civilization in Mexico was influenced tremendously by Africans from West Africa and Nubia/Egypt. All cultural and racial connections show this importand and crucial fact. There is also a connection with the early Black and Mongoloid dynasties of ancient Shia and Shang Dynasty China, whose prehhistoric origins is said to be Mesopotamia during the Kushite dynasties and Kushite Sudan.

The statue of an ancient Nigerian Oni or Priest-king dating back thousands of years shows him holding religious artefacts that have been found among Olmec priests who are holding identical artefacts in the very same manner. A large stone statue of a Negroid character at the San Augustine Culture site in Colombia, South America, also show the same items in the hands of the statue.

Apart from the Olmecs, a number of other Black cultures and civilizations have been found to have existed in the Americas before Columbus and thousands of years before Christ. The book, "A History of the African-Olmecs," lists them as well as those who personally excavated, explored or spoke to the remnants of these early American Blacks of ancient African and Pacific Ocean origins. The naturalist and author, I. Rafinesque (pp. 121, 186-187, 194, 208-209 lists many such Black nations in his work, "The Black Nations of America," (Atlantic Journal and Friend Knowledge; Philadelphia 1832/1833; p. 86. Some of these nations include the Washitaw of the Louisiana Territories who owned millions of acres of land, the Guale and Jamassee of the South-eastern U.S., the Black Caliornians of California and the South-western U.S.

A number of pre-Columbian Black nations also come from Latin America. There are the Afro-Darienite of Panama, the Choco of Columbia who like other Black Columbians and Black Latin Americans, are the victims of some of the most putrid forms of racism practiced today, including India's castism againt Black Untouchables.