Reasons why 2012

If there is one day that the entire mankind is eagerly waiting for, then it has to be 21st December 2012. If there is something that many of the major religions have in common then it must be on December 2012 Doomsday predictions. Almost every major religious text has got references to this being the time when major changes could occur in our planet. Among all the references, perhaps the most significant and well known is the prediction of December 2012 Doomsday by the Mayan Calendar.

According to the world will enter a new age on the particular date. With the Mayans civilization being extremely knowledgeable in both astronomy and mathematics, the prediction has generated lot of interest around the world. Let us take a look at the reasons why the December 21st, 2012 is so important. The Mayans were extremely skilled in creating mathematical and astrological apparatus and they created their calendar 3,500 years ago. The calendar clearly mentions that there would be major changes that would take place in the world, come December 2012 Doomsday. There are many among the scientific community who believe that due to global warming, solar storms would be entering the earth in large quantities by 2012 and this could trigger off a series of catastrophes. This is how they feel that the Mayan December 2012 Doomsday prediction would ultimately destroy all life on earth.

There are many geologists who believe that there could be major volcanic eruptions around the world in 2012. This is being equated with the December 2012 Doomsday prediction and being seen as one of the ways that the world will be destroyed, if it were to occur. A vast majority of people who believe in the Mayan Calendar predict that there could be mass destruction of life on earth in the year 2012 because of the shift of earth's two poles.

Mayan calendar: myth or truth

In the past few months, people's interest in the Mayan calendar and its prophecies has increased at a phenomenal pace. Public opinion on this ancient calendar is divided. Some believe that this calendar has no rational basis and is basically a myth. Alternately, there are several others who firmly opine that the Mayan calendar is a true prophecy on the future.

Scientists and astrologers agree that the Mayan people possessed supreme knowledge. These learned people were exponents of analytical thinking. They used scientific methods to come up with theories of human existence. Based on meticulous planning and scientific observations, the Mayan people developed a calendar that computed our solar year to be 365.242306 days long.

Interestingly, according to the Gregorian calendar that we follow today calculates our solar year to be 365.2525 days long. This clearly reflects that the Mayan calendar is both precise and scientific. Owing to this precision in their calculations and premonitions, a number of astrologers and soothsayers are fearing that the Mayan prophesy about the world coming to an end on December 21, 2012, could be true.

Scientists and astronomers all over the world have rubbished reports that suggest that the world will finally come to an end in 2012. According to them, these reports are only a figment of imagination that has no concrete evidence. Moreover, a section of these rational thinkers and social scientists further believe that the hoopla surrounding December 21, 2012, is actually nothing but a smart marketing move. Scientists are confident that December 21, 2012 will go down in the pages of history, just another day.

Whether the Mayan prophecy finally comes true or not is a matter of deliberation. In the meantime, marketers seem to have found a commercially viable concept in this prophecy. This is quite evident from the response that this prophecy is gaining, prompting filmmakers to make movies on it. Roland Poitevin is a dedicated writer with a passion for business and environmental issues. You can check out his new website at Talalay Latex Mattress which helps people find the best Latex Mattresses and also reviews Latex Foam Pillows and information they are looking for relating to this subject.

2012 Prophecy exposed

It is amazing that many individuals don't believe that some major earth changing event on Dec 21 2012 will happen. When I realized this, I selected to find out why so many folk failed to believe. It is my conclusion that many of us have experienced this so called dooms day eventuality during the past and it never occurred. Almost all of the time the Doomsday events were put out to the public by fanatics that were only getting their information from a crazed Evangelist or a "want-to-be" Soothsayer . The truth is that there's a multitude of information gathered by renowned scientists that have indicated that some event, little or enormous, minor or catastrophic, will happen. You can read about them also in the 12.21.2012 Planet X Codex.

First, the realignment of the Earth, Sun, and the Milky Way Universe on Dec 21 2012. In the subsequent 5 years the Earth, Sun, and the middle of the Milky Way Universe will realign after 26,000 years. This realignment will have some effect on Earth, but to what extent scientists can't establish. There's no written history of events that occurred 26,000 years back to confirm how extensive the outcome will be. The sole archeological find that scientists can use is the Mayan calendar, but the Mayan civilization wasn't even in existence 26,000 ago so the accuracy of the calendar has not been determined. So be wary of what you listen to over the web, most of what you hear and see is only used to scare people. The facts are only this, the realignment of the big three and that civilization will continue to be since we are still hear from the last alignment.

30th 1983, astronomers found a new planet using the IRUS telescope. This planet is roughly the size of Juniper, has a particularly long orbit, and only shows itself each 3,500 to 3,600 years. This so called 10th Planet isn't speculated nor has NASA analyst and astronomers around the globe failed to confirm its existence. This planet is confirmed and is of great concern to the presidencies around the world. It'll have some impact on Earth and our existence but will not wipe out the human race. We are still here from the last time and we will be here the subsequent time.

Die in 2012

The most important thing is to be able to distinguish facts from simple scare tactics. A lot of information presented by the media are either false or over exaggerated. There are many predictions about the year 2012, some backed up by facts, and many which are not. It can be difficult to figure out whats true and whats not when researching this topic. Opinions vary greatly, and people, who many of are uninformed themselves, will try to persuade you in to believing what they believe.

I've done a lot of research about the 2012 doomsday, and I believe that many of the suggestions for what may happen in 2012 can't be overlooked. There are to many fingers pointing in the direction of something happening, like the predictions found in ancient texts, the Mayan calendar, the galactic alignment, the possibility of a major solar flare, the magnetic pole shift, a government conspiracy and more. There have been many doomsday predictions in the past, but none of them were backed up by facts like the 2012 doomsday.

I personally doubt that aliens will come down to earth and kill us all, or that a giant meteor will put an end to humanity, but I do believe something very important is going to happen, and therefore it's important to know the truth.

Mayan doomsday prophecy

Mayan doomsday prophecy is now the talk of town. People are discussing this topic among them and worried about the new prediction made by the astronomers. According to the calendar produced by the Mayan civilization, the end of world is near. Even though there were references to this hypothesis in many religious books, the exact date was not confirmed. The book of Revelation in Bible is an example for this statement. In this book, it is clearly mentioned about the end of the lives on the surface of earth. Even though technology has advance to a great extent, human brains are not capable to control the movements of the solar system. Mayan doomsday prophecy is not a myth but a fact.

The mathematical calculator invented by the people of this civilization is an incredible task. People belonging to the modern generation are not even able to think of such a machine even with the availability of so many techniques. They are checked against the actions of the heaven. Every event predicted using this calendar has so far became true which makes the astronomers tensed. They fear the Mayan Doomsday prophecy to be true and are researching more on this topic. The date suggested by the Mayans has a great significance. It is the day when the sun reaches its lower orbit. On this specific day the rising sun is supposed to come in a straight line with the black hole present at the centre of Milky Way.

Mayan doomsday prophecy is supposed to be accurate as they were considered as great astronomers. They made their livelihood by mapping the planetary movements in the solar system. This helped them in making a calendar which has proved to be correct all through the years. Mayan doomsday prophecy cannot be mocked at because there are many sources which supports this theory.

Truth behind 2012

The story began with the claims that a planet NIBURU,an alleged planet discovered by Sumerians is channelised towards the earth.This calamity was at first anticipated in may 2003, but when nothing occurred the end of the world date was moved ahead to dec 2012. The last time the world got all aroused over the mysterious turning of a calendar was the assumed Millennium of Jan. 1, 2000. No matter the actual Y2K computer-date bug. True-believer authors brought out scary and/or hopeful articles about the moment's prophetical potential to catch an huge cosmic wave and alter everything for either good or ill.

Just as calendars on our kitchen walls doesn't end in dec 31st, the mayan calendar doesn't cease to end in dec 2012. This date stamp is the close of the Mayan long-count period on the other hand -- just as your calendar begins once again on January 1 -- another long-count period sets out for the Mayan calendar.

There are no terrestrial alignments in the following few decades, Earth won't cross the galactic plane in 2012, and even if this conjunctions were to occur, their consequences on the Earth would be negligible. You may have already heard something about planet X . The idea of planet X, and the hunt for the evasive planet, began in the midst of the 19th century after Neptune was discovered, since a lot astronomers believed there was some other planet beyond Neptune’s orbit . When Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto in 1930, it was believed to be planet X, affirming the conjectures of Percival Lowell and many other astronomers. However, in 1978, astronomers discovered that Pluto could not be planet X as it was too small to affect the orbits of the gas giants.This led scientists to conclude that no planet X, at least Percival Lowell’s version, exists. One of the many theories as to how human race will be abolished in 2012 is by planet X barging in Earth . To further elaborate matters, some people who believe in 2012 have also associated planet X as being the same as Nibiru. The Nibiru hypothesis says that an alien race came to Earth thousands of years ago and genetically altered beings into humans so as to serve them. Nibiru is supposed to return in 2012 to cause havoc and destruction is nothing but rubbish.

A reversal in the rotary motion of Earth is out of the question. There are slow movements of the continents, but that is irrelevant to claims of reversal of the rotational magnetic poles. However, many of the calamity websites pull a bait-and-shift to befool people. They claim a relationship between the rotation and the magnetic polarity of Earth, which does change irregularly, with a magnetic reversal happening every 400,000 years on the average. A magnetic reversal is very unlikely to happen in the next few millennia. Now let's distinguish between geomagnetic reversal and polar shift. Geomagnetic reversion is the change in the magnetic field of the Earth, where the compass north pole shifts to the South Polar Region and the south magnetic pole shifts to the compass north Polar Region. Once this action is complete, our compasses would point toward Antarctica, instead of northern Canada. Polar shift is considered to be a less likely event that occurs a few times in the evolutionary timescale of the Solar System. Many sources (including the doomsayers themselves) frequently mention both geomagnetic reversal and polar shift as being one of the same thing. This isn't the case.Though there seems to be a current downward trend in magnetic flux density, the current magnetic field is still regarded as above average when compared with the fluctuations measured in recent history.

Although a solar flare from out Sun, aimed like a shot at us, could cause secondary troubles such as satellite damage and harm to unprotected cosmonauts and blackouts, the flare itself isn't powerful enough to ruin Earth. In the far future when the Sun begins to run out of fuel and swell into a red giant, it could be a bad era for life on Earth, but we have a few billion years to wait for that to occur.Doomsayers point to the Sun as a imaginable Earth-killer source, but the reality remains that our Sun is a very unchanging star. It does not bear a binary star partner (like II Pegasi), it has a predictable cycle (of around 11 years) .Even if a big flare did hit us, it will not be an extinction event. Yes, satellites may be damaged, causing secondary problems such as a GPS loss (which might disrupt air traffic control for example) or national power grids may be overwhelmed by auroral electro jets, but nothing more extreme than that. Satellites may malfunction and migrating birds may become confused.

Happen in 2012

You must have surely heard a lot of people talking about the end of the world fast approaching with the doomsday being predicted to be coming in the year 2012. What exactly is the significance of planetary alignment in 2012, you may ask. The answer lies in carefully studying the Mayan calendar. According to this calendar the day, 21/12/2012 will be of great significance. According to the ancient scriptures of the great Mayan Civilization, planetary alignment in 2012 would herald the beginning of a new age.

While there are many who may argue that the civilization existed too long ago, for the prediction to be taken seriously, there are certain other important aspects that you need to look into. For instance, while the prediction in itself may appear absurd, you should not forget that it is based on the movement of stars and planets. Planetary alignment in 2012 is therefore, something that we do not have any control on.

One more factor that needs to be carefully considered is that the Mayans possessed supreme astronomical and mathematical skills. Not only did this knowledge help them create a calendar 3,500 years ago, it also helped them to create a complex mathematical calculator too. This unique calculator was used in conjunction with the planetary movements to arrive at the particular doomsday date by the ancient Mayans.

Planetary alignment in 2012 assumes importance because of a unique lining up of planets during this day. It is predicted that the sun will lineup with the center of the Milky Way on 21/12/2012. This planetary alignment in 2012 is something that an extremely rare occurrence. In fact, it is known to happen only once in 25,800 years. The ancient Mayans believed that these celestial events will have a direct impact on the lives of all living beings and that it will herald the beginning of a new age.

2012 Doomsday predictions

If there is one day that the entire mankind is eagerly waiting for, then it has to be 21st December 2012. If there is something that many of the major religions have in common then it must be on December 2012 Doomsday predictions. Almost every major religious text has got references to this being the time when major changes could occur in our planet. Among all the references, perhaps the most significant and well known is the prediction of December 2012 Doomsday by the Mayan Calendar. According to the world will enter a new age on the particular date. With the Mayans civilization being extremely knowledgeable in both astronomy and mathematics, the prediction has generated lot of interest around the world. Let us take a look at the top reasons why the December 21st, 2012 is so important.

The Mayans were extremely skilled in creating mathematical and astrological apparatus and they created their calendar 3,500 years ago. The calendar clearly mentions that there would be major changes that would take place in the world, come December 2012 Doomsday. There are many among the scientific community who believe that due to global warming, solar storms would be entering the earth in large quantities by 2012 and this could trigger off a series of catastrophes. This is how they feel that the Mayan December 2012 Doomsday prediction would ultimately destroy all life on earth.

What is more that there are many geologists who believe that there could be major volcanic eruptions around the world in 2012. This is being equated with the December 2012 Doomsday prediction and being seen as one of the ways that the world will be destroyed, if it were to occur. A vast majority of people who believe in the Mayan Calendar predict that there could be mass destruction of life on earth in the year 2012 because of the shift of earth's two poles.

Polar shift in 2012

Earth has known several polar shifts in the past, and future polar shifts are inevitable. The question that boggles everybody is "when will it happen again?".  Now scientists have concluded that magnetic poles are about to shift or even reverse itself yet again.  Such an event has left the planet in chaos before so there are good reasons to be concerned and to prepare for yet another world catastrophe.

Violent Vortices
In recent news, at least considering that our planet now is 4.56 billion years old, an article was published in the Sunday Times of London on January 12th, 2003 stating that Nils Olson, researcher at the Center for Planetary Science in Denmark, warns for tremendous changes occurring deep in the Earth's core. The magnetic field is considered to be controlled from the inner core and therefore his research is relevant to support related research about the impact on the polarities of the planet.  Turbulent and swirling vortices of molten matter are impacting the levels of magnetic fields that hang above the surface of our planet.  When those vortices get overly turbulent, something that appears to have started happening, a total reversal of the magnetic field can occur, in other words a polar shift or reversal takes place.  Scientists also have found that those events happen on average every 750,000 years...which makes that the planet is long overdue for the next polar shift.

Direct consequences
Seen the fact that the last polar shift took place close to a million years ago, and that no humans inhabited Earth that long time ago, no eye witnesses were present to document what to expect at a next polar shift. This leaves us with to project, extrapolate and basically guess what the impact will be next time this happens.  However, there are certain consequences that can easily be deducted and there is no doubt that they will happen.  For example, electrical equipments will all fail; unseen displays of thunder and lightning will take place; seismic and volcanic activity will reach dramatic heights in itself being responsible for catastrophic results.

Lethal radiation
Since the magnetic shield also protects the planet from dangerous solar radiation, the reversal of the poles will be preceded by a time where the shield will disappear and during which all life will be impacted unless protected in some sort other than what we take for granted...the air. In addition is it unclear how long such an interruption would last, but some sources indicate it could easily take 100 years for the magnetic shield to be restored.  Massive extinction will be the result of this. Unprotected from the sun's radiation, crops fail, animals die, and humans fall prone to deadly cancers.

How can we prepare for such a disaster?
One thing is certain, as humans we stand zero chance to avoid a polar shift.  Powers of the universe rule and the only thing we can do is see it happen.  The best thing there is to do is to prepare ourselves a good as humanly possible...and the worst outcome must be taken as what will happen.  On an individual level, what you can do is to learn where you can be best to avoid being in the wrong place when it happens.  Knowing that volcanoes and earthquakes, unseen levels of storms and other tragic events will rule for a period of time, seeking a location where the least vault lines and volcanoes are, is a prudent first step.  You can then start preparing for the shortage on uncontaminated foods and water by stocking up significant piles of imperishable foods.  A stock for 10 years or more is not exaggerated.  Protected gear from heat, radiation but also extreme colds is also high on the list. On a national level nations must develop a strategy for dealing with mass disruption likely to result from the malfunction of all types of electrical equipment and the failure of crops.  Massive casualties cannot be avoided, yet the continuation of human kind needs to stay high on each nation's agenda.  It is believed that several organizations have been secretly working around the clock to reassure that valuable resources will remain available after order is restored...

Significant recent events
In December 2004 South East Asia was shook up with a category 9 earthquake, causing and immense catastrophe for the region near the island of Sumatra.  Several scientists agree that Earth was very close to the next polar reversal.  And what may be even more frightening is that it simply could have been a warm-up exercise announcing the actual event coming up in the near future.  This places the theories of it happening in 2012 in the hotspot again.  Whether this is correct or not, it isn't the best news when you consider that the world became hopelessly unbalanced and that it wouldn't require much force to turn it over. From ancient records we've learned that this has happened many times before.

Ignoring it would be naive
As no crystal ball can predict the exact timing of such dramatic event as the polar shift, many sources direct towards the end of the year 2012.  Ignoring the real threats impacting the world and all of its inhabitants would be simply naive.  We must be aware, be as much informed to what possible timing and results will be, and to prepare as much as humanly possible for the Polar Reversal when it finally does occur.

Scientific reasons 2012

The event created by the Hollywood is really shameful for the human kind. Culprit never minds to put fear for their earning and familiarity of livelihood. Inculcating the publicity by declaring the false statement and projection should be banned by the international Laws.  There should be strict regulation against the assassin of human mental peace. Millions and millions people had been nervous with their fearful enigmas living. How the hale had so consciously planned to do so? Why he was not thought about the whole nations as well as for human kind. He must not so much selfish to intensify such commitment of terrible destruction, only just for his fictions stories publicity. How their nation has sanctioned such nonsense fiction movie? It is also true that how an individual can do well for the human kind, who has achieved all the pseudo and hypocrite education and knowledge.  Who so ever it concerns, it matters the people of the Globe, should not be exempted from punishment for the crime he has done by putting the all countries in terrible panic.

Asteroid/Meteor/Comet - ancient, advanced civilizations have one distinct advantage over us - they may have observed the skies for longer, and may have spotted an orbit that will culminate in a collision with Earth in 2012. This is easily the most predictable disaster for 2012. With recent discussion of "dark comets", we have become aware of the possibility of our planet being struck with little or no warning. Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) from our Sun - a CME was behind the solar storm of 1859. It occurred in September of that year, causing the failure of telegraph systems across North America and Europe. Accompanying the storm were auroras that are normally only seen in the Arctic and Antarctic, but were visible as far south as the Caribbean. Typically we would expect a storm of 1859's magnitude cause power blackouts and wreck satellites. But do we really know how big they can get? In 2009 NASA told us to be wary of solar storms, and warned of the dangers to America's ancient overloaded power grid. Being without power for a few months, in the developed world, is a lot more serious than most people realise.

Magnetic Pole Shift - pole reversals have been happening on average once every 400,000 years, with the most recent one being 730,000 years ago - so we are well overdue. Not only do we not know much about reversals, scientists are still unsure about how our magnetic field is generated. Long thought to be a by-product of the movements of liquid iron in our planet's core, recent studies are suggesting that our salty oceans might be the cause. Scientists suggest a geomagnetic reversal takes thousands of years and does no harm. They are wrong - it could just as easily happen overnight. No mechanism is known for the cause of the magnetic poles swapping places. Our magnetic field is known to be rapidly declining (10% in the last 150 years), and the magnetic North pole is moving around at an accelerating pace - it has been predicted it will move from Canada to Siberia in the next 50 years. These changes could be indicating an imminent reversal.

Explosion from the black hole at the center of our galaxy - in 1983 Dr Paul LaViolette described the dangers of a Galactic core explosion. He explained that it would generate a cosmic ray superwave, and it would be signalled by a gamma ray burst (see below). He also warned us that a gravity wave might travel ahead of the superwave. If seems likely that the 2004 tsunami was caused by a gravity wave, because the accompanying GRB arrived just 21 hours later, and was the brightest ever observed, 100 times brighter than any other seen in recorded history. This gravity wave did not come from our galactic center, but if it had, perhaps the effects would have been much worse.

Religious Apocalypse - or rapture, or "judgment day". Most religions predict such a day. Conspiracy theorists suggest that many world leaders have apocalyptic beliefs, and may even be attempting to cause Biblical prophecy to be fulfilled in 2012 via their actions. If it helps, the Bible says “But of that day and hour knoweth no one, not even the angels of heaven, neither the Son, but the Father only.” But then again, maybe God changed his mind since the Bible was written, and told some people the date of the apocalypse? Maybe he told the ancient Mayans? Possibilities could be argued ad infinitum. Alien Invasion - no evidence, but plenty of believers! Tied in with this are recent crop circles that have 2012 and Mayan themes. If aliens are the creators of crop circles, then one would expect the circles to be a warning of sorts.

Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) - a 2004 study told us that a GRB from a distance of just one kiloparsec could destroy half of Earth's ozone layer. It suggests that historical mass extinctions may have been caused by GRBs. NASA explains how "gamma-ray radiation from a relatively nearby star explosion, hitting the Earth for only ten seconds, could deplete up to half of the atmosphere's protective ozone layer. Recovery could take at least five years. With the ozone layer damaged, ultraviolet radiation from the Sun could kill much of the life on land and near the surface of oceans and lakes, and disrupt the food chain."

Crustal Displacement - a physical pole shift. The mechanism is not understood, and most theories are just wild guesses. However it seems quite likely we had one 12,000 years ago, and what goes around, comes around. Charles Hapgood provided substantial evidence for a pole shift at that time, and Allan and Delair have added to it in their book Cataclysm!: Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 9500 B.C. Take into account that Albert Einstein endorsed Hapgood's ideas, and we have something to worry about. Cosmic Rays - scientists have yet to work out where most high-energy cosmic rays come from. Either an increase striking our atmosphere, or a weakening of our shields, will let in more cosmic rays. They are already zipping through your body every second, and they could end up being our silent killers. As one example of their danger, airlines do not let pregnant women work on their inter-continental routes, because of the increased exposure to cosmic rays at those heights.

Flu Pandemic - it might not be swine flu, but flu researchers say a deadly pandemic is not a case of if, but when. Our generation is generally unaware of how bad the pandemic of 1918 was - it killed 50 million people. It was the number one cause of death amongst soldiers in WW1. Being killed by the enemy came second. Nuclear War / WW3 / Biological War - although the Cold War is over, and less bunkers are being built, the threat is still very real. Tensions between the Koreas, and India & Pakistan are worrisome, as are the huge bunkers that the Russians have built. The Yamantau complex is large enough to protect 60,000 people!

Supervolcano - these are real, they have caused great catastrophes in the past, and we have no idea when the next eruption will be. Some believe Yellowstone could explode again soon, as it has been exhibiting signs of unrest, with earthquake swarms, ground deformation and considerable heat and gas emissions. It it did erupt, expect half of the USA to be wiped out, and major variations in global climate for many years. For more information, watch documentaries by the BBC and Discovery Channel. Rise of the Machines - somewhere between Terminator and I Robot is an easy prediction: robots one day will have the capacity to rule the world. Global Warming - it will only take an increase of a couple of degrees to make life very difficult for most humans. Luckily for us, it is unlikely to wipe us out as early as 2012.

Time Travel Error - someone from the future ventures into our past and causes a conflict in the time-space continuum... if it causes us harm in 2012, maybe someone managed to zip back in time and warn the ancients of it? Nanotechnology - while this might have health concerns when used in everyday products (ie sunscreen), the doomsday risk is when self-replicating little thingies are developed. Search for "grey goo". Fortunately 2012 seems too soon for some mad scientist to let the goo loose. Nearby Supernova - experts say that no supernova candidates are close enough to harm us. But how many supernovas have they observed? This is where, after the fact, scientists proclaim "but of course!" Genetic Modification - we blindly take vaccinations, and we might be sheep when it comes to "gene therapy" as well. Our desire to live longer might just be our undoing.

Nuclear Accident - nothing is foolproof. We've had such accidents in the past, and a bigger accident is totally possible. Hard for the ancients to predict, though. Ice Age - right now the buzz is about "global warming", yet a mere thirty years ago we were worried about an impending Ice Age. There is evidence that parts of our climate system work more like a switch than a dial, and if a certain level of temperature is reached, it may cause what is known as "abrupt climate change". See the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" for how it might work. Solar System Falls Apart (butterfly effect) - to the best of our knowledge, everything is OK for a long, long time. However simulations have shown how Mercury could cause Earth and Mars to collide a few billion years from now. But throw a stray comet or Planet X into the mix, and our solar system could turn into a catastrophic pinball machine any old time.

Large Hadron Collider - scientists tinkering with something they think they understand the risks of, but what if there's a 0.000001% chance their black hole calculations are wrong? Is it worth the risk? Originally we were told by CERN scientists that it was impossible for a black hole (that might gobble up the entire planet) to be created by the LHC, because it "would decay before it had the chance to do any damage". This has recently been updated to "the growth of black holes to catastrophic size does not seem possible.”