Specifically prediction in 2012

Since the issue of developing end 2012, many predicted that emerged from scientists or from the predictions. and here are some predictions that might be considered a justification.

The first prediction of a pole reversal. This is not a reversal of the earth's magnetic poles where the magnetic North Pole moved to the South Magnetic Pole. This has happened many times in the past. Prediction that the North Pole and South Pole will be back and cause the earth to start spinning in the opposite direction. He did not explain where the energy required to come. Earth functions as a giant gyroscope. The energy required to rotate the poles would be very large.

Second, the message hidden in the Pentateuch (first five books of the Bible). This model predicted that the comet will hit Earth in 2012 and destroy all life. For a few species to survive, one or more intelligent species will eventually evolve. They may opposable thumbs, large brains, two ears and eyes. But they may not be too much like modern humans.

Third, the prediction that the magnetic field sun will resign and led to reversal of Earth's magnetic field. This will cause tectonic geothermal and large-scale disasters. Something will happen to the myth of the lost island of Atlantis many people believe that beneath the waves thousands of years ago. Presumably, it will surface.
Fourth, that World War III is most likely to occur around the year 2012. This will be followed by a permanent state of spiritual elevation. "Besides that 2012 should only be harmony and peace in the whole." Will be called the "golden age." But the transition will result in the death of millions of people - both the innocent and those guilty of crimes. Kalki Bhagwan, the highest spiritual authority, is expected to deliver mankind from the disease today.

Fifth, Planet X: This is the name given by the astronomer Percival Lowell to a planet that he believes are outside the orbit of Neptune. Although his calculations were off, and the discovery of Pluto was calculated for the observations, some have suggested that Planet X just might be disturbing the orbit of the comet long periods. Other people have speculated that this might be evidence for a brown dwarf star that exists as part of a binary system with the sun. They argue that the interaction between sunlight and our brown dwarf can raise the temperature of sun, producing global warming on Earth, and would lead to increased severity of the peak following the 11-year cycle of sunspot in the year 2011-2012. These influences can damage the earth's magnetic field, and encourage what is called Velikovsky Emmanuel.

Sixth, predicted that in 2012 when the winter solstice and the rising heliacal galactic center, the level of novelty planet will increase exponentially. Some do not sound too healthy for the life on earth.