Remarkable find plenty of information about the future of humankind and the threat of direct current. According to information, in the next few years we will see changes in the earth which will destroy all living creatures on this planet. There will compound the crisis occurred at the same time in the cosmos. Planet X will return from the 3600-year orbit around the solar system. The Return of Planet X would interfere with the solar system and especially Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus, Venus and Earth. Planet X will enter the solar system at the edge and cross the orbit with Jupiter. Jupiter can be turned on at the moment and being a baby sun. Nibiru will pass between the Earth at the Sun. This will cause two of the sun will be seen by everyone in the world. Everyday people will be able to see two of the sun by May of 2011 the latest.
The 11 1 / 2 year cycle of solar flares on the 2012 summit will cause solar flares that can defeat the power grid in the world. These solar flares along with the return of Planet X will cause damage on Earth. The sun, the earth and in this way will harmonize the milk in the galaxy equator, on December 21, 2012, the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year and the end of the Mayan calendar. This only happens every 25,800 years. For the first time in history, throughout our solar system will move the way milk galaxies. This combined cosmic event will be the end of the world as we know. Approximately 6 billion people on earth will perish within a few short years if this cosmic disaster.