In the solar system, planets and the Sun is known as the field of Ecliptic. From our perspective on Earth, moving constellation near the Ecliptic, and from time to time seem to recede by one degree every 72 years. This movement is associated with a slightly trembling in the earth like a spinning axis. As a result, approximately every 2160 years, a constellation visible in the morning of the spring equinox changes.
Just as the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere at this point in the constellation of Pisces, so that today a turning point in the winter sun in the constellation Sagittarius, the constellation will happen to intersect with the galactic equator. At the end of 1000 years or more, at the solstice of winter, the earth, sun and galaxies came to parallel the equator, and each year, encouraged the position of the sun precession road a little further through the Milky Way band.
Milky Way near Cygnus Rift Dark lines show, which will be called Xibalba Maya or Black Road. Mayan calendar is based on their observations of the Great Rift, a band of dark dust clouds in the Milky Way, called Xibalba Maya will or Black Road. According to the hypothesis, the Sun exactly parallel to this intersection at the solstice winter of 2012. Classic Maya anticipate this and celebrate together as a sign of deep spiritual transition for mankind. New Age advocates galactic alignment hypothesis argues that, just as astrology uses the stars and planets to make a claim from the events of the future.
Harmony is not concerned exclusively until 2012, but occurred during a period of 36 years, according to the diameter of the sun, with the most appropriate convergence as has happened in the year 1998. While some Maya scholars, such as Barbara MacLeod, has suggested that some of the sacred Mayan date is set for precession cycle, scientific opinion is divided on the subject. There is also little evidence, archaeological or historical, that placed an important Maya at solstices or equinoxes.