In some 2012 doomsday prophecy, the Earth became deathtrap for a polar shift. Crust and mantle would suddenly shifted, the earth rotates around the liquid-iron outer core as orange peels that revolves around fleshy fruit. Imagining a post-shift is estimated Maya, triggered by the extreme gravitational pull of planets, galaxies rare good alignment and by solar radiation attenuation massive interior of the earth's warming.
Breakaway oceans and continents of waste into the ocean, palm trees push to pole, and laying earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and other disasters. The scientists rejected such a drastic scenario, but some researchers have speculated that subtle shifts can occur, for example, if the mass distribution on or in the earth changed radically, due to, say, melting ice caps.
Princeton University geologist Adam Maloof has extensively studied the pole shift, and dealing with the myth in the year 2012 was 2012. Evidence of magnetic rocks confirm that the continent has experienced such drastic rearrangement, but the process took millions of years, slow enough that people will not feel the motion (fast guide to plate tectonics).
Breakaway oceans and continents of waste into the ocean, palm trees push to pole, and laying earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and other disasters. The scientists rejected such a drastic scenario, but some researchers have speculated that subtle shifts can occur, for example, if the mass distribution on or in the earth changed radically, due to, say, melting ice caps.
Princeton University geologist Adam Maloof has extensively studied the pole shift, and dealing with the myth in the year 2012 was 2012. Evidence of magnetic rocks confirm that the continent has experienced such drastic rearrangement, but the process took millions of years, slow enough that people will not feel the motion (fast guide to plate tectonics).