2012 observers

Some observers believe the sky-2012 will be close to alignment of galaxies, which will occur for the first time in 26,000 years. In this scenario, the way the sun in the sky will appear to cross through what, from Earth, appear to be the midpoint of our galaxy, the Milky Way, is in good display condition appears as a line in the cloudy night sky.
Some people fear that somehow would expose the Earth to the lineup is unknown galaxy strong force that would accelerate the punishment-perhaps through a shift in the pole or the stirring of the supermassive black hole in the heart of our galaxy. Another person who claimed to see the event as a positive light, like dawn heralding a new era in human consciousness.
NASA has a different view. No galaxy alignment in 2012. NASA explained that the type of alignment occurs at every winter solstice, when the sun, as seen from Earth, appears in the sky near what looks to be the midpoint of the Milky Way. Regular astronomical phenomena inspired by a sense of threat by people who already think the world would end.
Nevertheless, the end date of the Long Count cycle during solstice 2012 winter skills may be evidence of Maya astronomy. Does not exclude the possibility that astronomy played a role in the 2012 election year cycle's terminal. Virtual observatory built by astronomer watching the night sky and use mathematics, learn to accurately predict eclipses and other heavenly phenomena. Beginning of the current cycle tends to be bound at the apex of the sun, when the sun crossed directly over the head and the terminal date will fall in December solstice, perhaps by design.

2012 doomsday prophecy

In some 2012 doomsday prophecy, the Earth became deathtrap for a polar shift. Crust and mantle would suddenly shifted, the earth rotates around the liquid-iron outer core as orange peels that revolves around fleshy fruit. Imagining a post-shift is estimated Maya, triggered by the extreme gravitational pull of planets, galaxies rare good alignment and by solar radiation attenuation massive interior of the earth's warming.
Breakaway oceans and continents of waste into the ocean, palm trees push to pole, and laying earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and other disasters. The scientists rejected such a drastic scenario, but some researchers have speculated that subtle shifts can occur, for example, if the mass distribution on or in the earth changed radically, due to, say, melting ice caps.
Princeton University geologist Adam Maloof has extensively studied the pole shift, and dealing with the myth in the year 2012 was 2012. Evidence of magnetic rocks confirm that the continent has experienced such drastic rearrangement, but the process took millions of years, slow enough that people will not feel the motion (fast guide to plate tectonics).

End of the World Debunked

End of the world is near, December 21, 2012, to be exact, according to theories based on the ancient Maya recognized predictions. But man can truly meet the end of the year 2012-drowned in the apocalyptic flooding, walloped by a secret planet, baked by the sun is angry, or thrown into the sea by accelerating the continent. And if the ancient Maya empire peaked between 250 and 900 years in what is now Mexico and Central America-really predict the end of the world in 2012. At least one aspect of 2012, the end-of-the-world hype is, for some people, all too real, fear.
NASA has received thousands of questions about the 2012 doomsday prediction, some of them disturbing. Fortunately, with the help of scientists, most of the 2012 predictions cataclysms easily explained.
Mayan calendar does not end in the year 2012, as some have said, and the first ever seen that year as the time the end of the world, archaeologists say. But the December 21, 2012 (give or take a day) it remains important for the Maya. This is a time when the largest major cycle in the Mayan calendar-1, 872,000 the day or year-to overturn 5,125.37 and a new cycle begins. Maya remain on the scale of a few other cultures have been considered.
During the heyday of the empire, Mayan Long Count to find a long-circular Mayan calendar transplanted cultural roots all the way back to creation itself. During the winter solstice in 2012, a time-out in the current era of the Long Count calendar, which begins on what the Maya saw as the dawn of the last period of creation: August 11, 3114 BC Maya writing that date, which precedes their civilization thousands of years, as Day Zero, or
In the month of December 2012 ended a long and complex, cyclical calendar will roll back to Day Zero, the beginning of another big cycle. The idea is that when a new, that the world will be updated again, often after a period of stress in the same way we update the time on New Year's Day.

Is 2012 going to be the End of The World?

No, not in terms of the complete destruction of the Earth and some kind of annihilation scenario. 2012 is not bringing the end of the planet. When we contemplate the expression "end of the world" let us realize the term "world" can refer to a cycle; a period of time; a world age era. Therefore 2012 is signalling the completion of one World Age Cycle, transitting into an emerging New World Age to come. It is said that the world we are ending is the one that is dominated by materialism and ego consciousness, therefore it may be that the world to follow will be founded on different values that honor the spirit of the interdependence of all of life.

There are ideas in the collective mind that assert that 2012 is bringing the "end of the world as we know it," which may be linked with its other association of heralding "the end of linear time," and no one can say how valid these claims may be. However, based on the complex situation we are in as a planet, no one can predict the longevity of our modern world with all of its technological dependencies and unsustainable customs. Likewise, the more conscious we become of the non-linear, synchronistic nature of existence, the more rapidly we may indeed evolve beyond the linear time paradigm.

In regards to the ever-increasing attention on the December 21, 2012 date, the living Maya of Guatemala urgently want it to be known that their ancient prophecies have been distorted and misportrayed as doomsday predictions. They do not advocate all the fear and hysteria that is being generated by the sensationalized 2012 rumors, and they want people to be aware that most of the 2012 (mis)information being put out is not sourced from the Maya or their calendars whatsoever, even though it may appear to be associated with them.

In regards to the popular fascination with the possible "end of the world" cataclysm scenario in 2012, it is important to understand that these modern fantasies projected from our collective psyche are reflecting our internal process of fearing how out of harmony with nature we are collectively living. There is a sense of an impending retaliation from nature that will come, as a great punishment upon our misguided human world. While it is clear we are living in times of great uncertainty and great imbalance, we need to realize that terrorizing ourselves by energizing fear-based rumors does not assist us in rising to the great challenges we face. Fear is a primal universal human reality, based on understanding how vulnerable we actually are, yet we need to understand that if we believe in all the fear thoughts, we can easily become shut down, delusional or reactionary in ways that feed the fear and lead us further into darkness.

In this time of prophecy, we need to move from motivating ourselves not from fear, but from awareness. To navigate these critical times on earth, in addition to our discernment and our intuition, we must find our hearts and follow their inspiration, for they are our purest guides and can help us tune into our unique path of service. When we contemplate what the world might be like beyond 2012, let us be clear that no one can predict the specifics of how things may appear as we enter this new cycle, or whether the transformations still to come may emerge gradually or swiftly. Everything depends on how conscious we can become as a species, and how we all contribute to this process of awakening our human potential. The details of how this new era may actually manifest is up to the merits of our collective creativity and the possible breakthroughs which can unfold through our resourcefulness and ingenuity.

What will Winter Solstice bring in 2012?

As we approach this critical point in the timeline, it is vital that conscious beings the planet to appreciate the implications of the various predictions about the date of this key. Literature on this subject peppered with apocalyptic visions of doom, special-interest theological interpretations, and scholarly dissection, but this site aims to be something different.
Metaphysical calculations between cosmic forces of the opposite? The arrival or return of the long-awaited savior? Or cybernetic enslavement of humanity by machine masters we are now making very instant? If nothing else, the collective weight of all this speculation will surely bring a kind of transformation.
Most important, it is time to reflect on what it means to be alive at the time of destruction may be on the horizon and what we can do to avoid the threat. Validity of this prediction will be tested soon enough. The aim is to present different points of view without drawing conclusions about future events. Instead, we will focus on the present evidence, and leave the conclusions up to you.
In the end, the future will be what we do. Destructive and creative elements are both accelerating and interacting at an increasing rate, as new developments in technology to destroy the cultural fabric for thousands of years ago and highlighted the great need to place our age in a context that makes sense for us.

Important thing about 2012

2012 calendar is pointed towards the Maya civilization have a different view from other civilizations. They believe that they calculated one year of 260 days. It is typical of the Mayan calendar there are 20 weeks in 2012 consisting of thirteen days of the week each of them which was followed by various symbols.
Mayan calendar ends in 2012 when they believe that the world will end, in fact there will be a transaction of this world is another unknown. The same is also mentioned in the 2012 Aztec calendar, also similar to the 2012 calendar myan. The word Aztec sun stone is currently in Mexico. Aztec calendar is being used for more than 2000 years.
A Zapotec prophecy, declared after Thirteen sake of decline Choice, and Nine Hells of Increasing Doom, the Tree of Life will grow with the fruits that have not been recognized in the creation, and it will be the fruit of the Spirit of New Man. According to the Mayan calendar, December 21, 2012 will be a day of transition. Now this forces us to think that why the date of December 21, 2012, why not others? This is a calculated figure, and they have calculated with the movement of the sun.

Will 2012 be the end of the world?

Many people believe that the mysterious ancient Mayan calendar ends on solstice winter in 2012. Is this a sign that the Mayans knew that the December 21, 2012, is the end of human history? Sci-fi footage that was added to the hype, showing all major towns destroyed by the tsunami and earthquakes, meteor showers death fiery fall from the sky and human history will come to end the violence.
Another 2012 picture scenario extraordinary change in human consciousness and bring a New Age. Around the year 2012 called great chapter in human history will come to an end. All of the values and assumptions of the previous World Age will expire, and the new phase of human growth will begin. All the hype about the 2012 is based on a mixture of speculation about the Mayan calendar, some ancient Oriental prophesy, should be made Nostradamus.

Specifically prediction in 2012

Since the issue of developing end 2012, many predicted that emerged from scientists or from the predictions. and here are some predictions that might be considered a justification.

The first prediction of a pole reversal. This is not a reversal of the earth's magnetic poles where the magnetic North Pole moved to the South Magnetic Pole. This has happened many times in the past. Prediction that the North Pole and South Pole will be back and cause the earth to start spinning in the opposite direction. He did not explain where the energy required to come. Earth functions as a giant gyroscope. The energy required to rotate the poles would be very large.

Second, the message hidden in the Pentateuch (first five books of the Bible). This model predicted that the comet will hit Earth in 2012 and destroy all life. For a few species to survive, one or more intelligent species will eventually evolve. They may opposable thumbs, large brains, two ears and eyes. But they may not be too much like modern humans.

Third, the prediction that the magnetic field sun will resign and led to reversal of Earth's magnetic field. This will cause tectonic geothermal and large-scale disasters. Something will happen to the myth of the lost island of Atlantis many people believe that beneath the waves thousands of years ago. Presumably, it will surface.
Fourth, that World War III is most likely to occur around the year 2012. This will be followed by a permanent state of spiritual elevation. "Besides that 2012 should only be harmony and peace in the whole." Will be called the "golden age." But the transition will result in the death of millions of people - both the innocent and those guilty of crimes. Kalki Bhagwan, the highest spiritual authority, is expected to deliver mankind from the disease today.

Fifth, Planet X: This is the name given by the astronomer Percival Lowell to a planet that he believes are outside the orbit of Neptune. Although his calculations were off, and the discovery of Pluto was calculated for the observations, some have suggested that Planet X just might be disturbing the orbit of the comet long periods. Other people have speculated that this might be evidence for a brown dwarf star that exists as part of a binary system with the sun. They argue that the interaction between sunlight and our brown dwarf can raise the temperature of sun, producing global warming on Earth, and would lead to increased severity of the peak following the 11-year cycle of sunspot in the year 2011-2012. These influences can damage the earth's magnetic field, and encourage what is called Velikovsky Emmanuel.

Sixth, predicted that in 2012 when the winter solstice and the rising heliacal galactic center, the level of novelty planet will increase exponentially. Some do not sound too healthy for the life on earth.

Is the world really going to end?

The ancient Mayan or Aztec prophesy suggests that they are sudden or major changes in any form in 2012. Great idea about the cycle will end soon. Maya inscription that predicts the future has consistently shown that they are expected to continue to live almost as good. In Palenque, for example, they predicted that the people in the year AD 4772 will celebrate the anniversary of the coronation of their king the Great.

Of course, astronomers hope the sun will eventually explode into a red giant and then collapsed, and finally burned, but not for a few billion years. While Maya was thrown a few predictions to the distant future, we have not found anything that reaches that far. As if our world will end in 2012, the answer is, well, yes and no. Americans' sense of immunity ends on 9-11-2001. Everything is getting darker and more desperate. Wall Street is crashing. Prospects for peace in the Middle East dimmed from year to year. Several Russian nuclear weapons unaccounted for. Oil consumption has exceeded our oil production capacity. It does not even start with global warming or overpopulation. By any measure, the world after the year 2012 would have looked much different from that done today. Some significant changes are much worse will happen in the year 2012, or in 2011, or 2013, or 2020, or whatever year you choose.

Even if we find evidence of actual Mayan prophecies about 2012, it does not make them right. Apparently all Christians expected Jesus to return in the year 1000, for example. And perhaps the most important question to ask presented to me by Bill Saturno, the discoverer of San Bartolo murals. If Maya is skilled as a prophet, how they could lose Conquest?

What is supposed to happen in 2012?

Important points made by the Maya is in the warning of possible catastrophies not come first, very important we realize that it is in our power to change the results. He said it is in our power to prevent the worst case scenario self-destruction occurred, and even up to a new level of evolution.

In this process we take power, it is important that we take 2012 as the date of attention linear some point in the future that an event will occur that determines our fate. The fact is we are on the way, now, through a shift in the world age cycles. We must understand this is a process we are now in, not a product that will always come on the day and time.

In a broader sense, if we reflect on the theme of Revelation prophecy associated with 2012, we can learn a lot by looking into the original meaning of the word Revelation: Revealing of what has been hidden; lifting the veil; revealed. We can see this phenomenon in our world as a blanket was lifted, the veil is thinning, and we're shown a lot of previously hidden dimensions.

Wonderings about 2012

There are many rumors and concerns about the destruction of the earth and humanity. Do we destroy ourselves or whether we move forward in the evolution? We can reflect on the Hindu goddess Kali. He was considered a goddess of destruction and change, also sometimes called Bhavatarini, literally, the redeemer of the universe. All the ancient texts confirm that there is always war and destruction on earth. But whether we humans evolve? Is life only chaos and random events or some kind of order?

Chaos theory says that the underlying orders seen in random data, which means that not only the orders came from the chaos itself, but that if we understood everything that we will see a clear sequence. In this chaos, we have destruction. Out of the destruction, we are thrust into what was broken off. What do we as individuals have to let us move to the next step in our evolution? See ourselves is always the best way to find clarity when changes or major shifts occur.

Is the change in us the result of years of searching, asking and learning, or a planet change in consciousness, or some combination of both? By opening ourselves to a greater flow we can soften the construction personally still have to shift to us to have harmony and inner peace. If we accept the human cargo to see more from the training and education we can show to us, we can be part of the transformation that may be 2012. Even if 2012 is anything but a myth, let us use it as a catalyst towards a possible change.

2012 warning

Remarkable find plenty of information about the future of humankind and the threat of direct current. According to information, in the next few years we will see changes in the earth which will destroy all living creatures on this planet. There will compound the crisis occurred at the same time in the cosmos. Planet X will return from the 3600-year orbit around the solar system. The Return of Planet X would interfere with the solar system and especially Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus, Venus and Earth. Planet X will enter the solar system at the edge and cross the orbit with Jupiter. Jupiter can be turned on at the moment and being a baby sun. Nibiru will pass between the Earth at the Sun. This will cause two of the sun will be seen by everyone in the world. Everyday people will be able to see two of the sun by May of 2011 the latest.

The 11 1 / 2 year cycle of solar flares on the 2012 summit will cause solar flares that can defeat the power grid in the world. These solar flares along with the return of Planet X will cause damage on Earth. The sun, the earth and in this way will harmonize the milk in the galaxy equator, on December 21, 2012, the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year and the end of the Mayan calendar. This only happens every 25,800 years. For the first time in history, throughout our solar system will move the way milk galaxies. This combined cosmic event will be the end of the world as we know. Approximately 6 billion people on earth will perish within a few short years if this cosmic disaster.

How to approach 2012

The people who have decided to find somewhere or somehow they are able to withstand the potential for disaster, or who worked on the expansion program of their consciousness or spirituality. This is for those who do not know what to do or what to believe. This recommendation without reference to a particular religion or belief, but it is the core of most of them. Simply put a good life now, living from day to day and make the most of every day you're alive; help others where you can and keep an open mind about where you are.

When 2012 arrives, you will be able to follow the path that has both strengthened you against the difficulties and increase your spiritual shop - you'll become a better person and the world around you will become a better place. Perhaps only by doing this we can bring positive change. Maybe 2012 will be no worse or no better than other years, but you will be traveling to the more ready to face whatever happens.

2012 in perspective

There are a lot of information about the December 21, 2012. Mayan calendar and others seen as the end. Gregorian calendar has been built to serve sheckle. A number of other things done to make appropriate at different times in the history of the earth. Now we think that the date of the end of the calendar, meaning the last chance is part of that created by illsuion calendar that we use. We tend to think there is certainty in it. First let's look at a real example of the natural cycle. Now astrology somewhat accurate, also not a true cycle in balance with our galaxy. There are actually 13 constellations in the sky, which marks the birth of 13, not 12 we are told there. Birth signs are taken 12 to 12 months in accordance with the Gregorian calendar. Out of sync? Yep, another part of illsuion. Lost or removed constellations, but perhaps the most important thing is Ophiuchus. (aka The Snake Holder interesting part metaphysical energy).

Two important things are not so strange is the fact that the use of Maya 13, not 12 months in their calendar and the moon made out of 13 trips around the planet once a year. We''ll use sunsign Aries. Usually if you were born in Aries, then from (using the 12 astrological signs are not normal) March 21 to April 21 of any given year. Some think if you were born on Apr.22, you then Taurus, because Aries ended. It is known as many know a tipping point. The influence of one or other marks overlap days / hour / minute.

Sunsign period in mid-Aries, you can be a stronger influence, but even that can not be responsible as a predictor of eliminating the influence of other planets that also affect people at that time. Some effects can be deadly even planetry many people who should be Aries, others can strengthen it. This is not now and will never be cut and dry, but not exactly one of the 13 constellations of astrology and professional. Even then the best estimate they will give you, is' the influence of that period, not the results. That's up to you and how you deal with the effects. And for this, we do not really need astrology, we just need to learn to deal with the effects.

Apocalypse 2012

Maya had several calendars. They have a 365-day solar calendar a long and a ritual calendar of 260 days long. Both calendars will sync every 52 years. To measure a longer time period, they develop "a long calculation" calendar, the date expressed as a series of five numbers, each less than twenty; something like the way we measure the minutes and seconds as a series of two numbers each less than sixty .

And, only in this case may seem too simple, because the reason for the second last number is always less than eighteen years. The first day of the Mayan calendar long count expressed as, and our calendar, this August 11 3114 BC. 144,000 every day (or about every 395 years, which they call baktun), the first number will increase, and new baktun will begin. Remember how we all should enjoy the excitement of watching the show digital millennium rolled from 12/31/1999 to 1/1/2000? Well, that's what will happen on December 21 2012 Mayan calendar. This will roll over from to, as he had done each of the previous twelve baktuns. There is no archaeological or historical evidence that the Maya themselves are expected anything other than New Year's Eve party occurred on this date: Claims that this rollover represents the Mayan predictions end of the world seems to be the invention of modern pop culture. It is true that the Mayan calendar carved their 13 baktuns just described, but what do you expect them to do? Old calendar carve an infinite every time they want to express a date? Can be a simple explanation like they did not expect the people in the 21st century to remain obsessed with their ancient calendar.

Spiritual predictions

In a 1887 book entitled The Mystery of the Ages, appears to predict that the next turn of the century following the Divine to come to earth. This is an extract from Nadigranth. The Nadigranth was originally written in Sanskrit 2000 years back by the ancient astrologer Bhrigumuni and then updated and translated into Marathi and titled the Kak Nadi by Kakayyar Bhujander. In this particular extract Shantaram Athvale refer to the writings from Kak Nadi written by Kakayyar Bhujander.

While Jupiter in Pisces great Yogi will incarnate on Earth. In 1970 it will become very clear to many that a new era will begin. This Yogi will be the Incarnation of Parabrahma and will have all the divine powers. With the new method designed by the great Yogi, human beings will be able to achieve moksha joy for life. Ignorance about the Maya will be attracted to the side Brahmananda, who previously could only be attained moksha by yogis as a result of hard work and severe punishment.

Science Center of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, United States has conducted various assessments and concluded that there would be heavenly bodies in the next Millennium. In short various planets; Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, and the Sun and Moon will come into communion with the Earth, in the most unique conjunctions. And when? Right on May 5, 2000.

Geomagnetic reversal

Currently believed by observers that the earth's magnetic field weakening, which indicates a reversal will occur north and south magnetic poles. The scientists believe that Earth was too late for the geomagnetic reversal in a long time even since the time of the Mayans, because the last reversal was 780,000 years ago. Geomagnetic reversal took 5,000 years to claim up to finish and does not begin on a certain date.

Also, NOAA is now predicting that the sun will be a maximum peak in 2013 rather than 2012, and that it will be quite weak with an average below the number of sunspots. In each case, there is no scientific evidence linking solar maximum to the geomagnetic reversal. A solar maximum will be famous, especially its impact on satellite and cellular phone communications.

Galactic aligment

In the solar system, planets and the Sun is known as the field of Ecliptic. From our perspective on Earth, moving constellation near the Ecliptic, and from time to time seem to recede by one degree every 72 years. This movement is associated with a slightly trembling in the earth like a spinning axis. As a result, approximately every 2160 years, a constellation visible in the morning of the spring equinox changes.

Just as the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere at this point in the constellation of Pisces, so that today a turning point in the winter sun in the constellation Sagittarius, the constellation will happen to intersect with the galactic equator. At the end of 1000 years or more, at the solstice of winter, the earth, sun and galaxies came to parallel the equator, and each year, encouraged the position of the sun precession road a little further through the Milky Way band.

Milky Way near Cygnus Rift Dark lines show, which will be called Xibalba Maya or Black Road. Mayan calendar is based on their observations of the Great Rift, a band of dark dust clouds in the Milky Way, called Xibalba Maya will or Black Road. According to the hypothesis, the Sun exactly parallel to this intersection at the solstice winter of 2012. Classic Maya anticipate this and celebrate together as a sign of deep spiritual transition for mankind. New Age advocates galactic alignment hypothesis argues that, just as astrology uses the stars and planets to make a claim from the events of the future.

Harmony is not concerned exclusively until 2012, but occurred during a period of 36 years, according to the diameter of the sun, with the most appropriate convergence as has happened in the year 1998. While some Maya scholars, such as Barbara MacLeod, has suggested that some of the sacred Mayan date is set for precession cycle, scientific opinion is divided on the subject. There is also little evidence, archaeological or historical, that placed an important Maya at solstices or equinoxes.

Black hole

An apocalyptic Jenkins hypothesis states that, if there is alignment of galaxies then somehow make the combined effects of gravity between the Sun and the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy to create chaos on Earth. Apart from the fact mentioned above that the alignment of galaxies predicted by Jenkins had occurred in 1998. Some versions of this idea to connect the theory of galactic alignment in 2012 with a galactic alignment proposed by some scientists to explain the supposed periodicity of mass extinctions in the fossil record.

The hypothesis assumes that the vertical oscillations made by the Sun as it orbits the galactic center on a regular basis causes the plane through the galaxy. When the sun's orbit to take out the disc galaxies, the influence of the weaker pairs of galaxies, such as re-entering the galactic disk, as well as every 20-25 million years old, he came under the influence of a much stronger "tidal disc", which according to mathematical models, increase the flow of Oort cloud comets in the solar system by a factor of 4, leads to greater chances of destroying a comet impact. However, this kind of thing went on for tens of millions of years and will never be set to the correct date. Evidence shows that the Sun through the galactic disk is only three million years ago and is now moving further on it.

Chilam balam

Chilam Balam is the conquest of the Maya who transcribed prophetic history in a modified form of Spanish. The Chilam Balam of Tizimin been translated twice, first by Maud Worcester archaeoastronomer and the second Makemson by anthropologist S. Munro Edmonson. Makemson believes that one line in the book (like licutal Chemical oxlahun, cenic u u ti aba tzan a yum ciac Ceni texe) refers to "very important events of the coming 4 Ahau 3 Kankin in the not too distant future ", and translated as" We will come B'ak'tun 13 sail, figuratively speaking, bringing the ornaments I have spoken from your ancestors. "(Her version of the text continues," Then the god will come to visit his child.

Perhaps "After Death 'will be the subject of discourse.") Still rely Makemson own dating to 1752 and therefore "not too distant future" in the description means that a few years after the scribes in recording Chilam Balam Tizimin .
Edmonson does not support reading the translation, he thinks the Long Count entirely absent from the book, with a 24-round system can be used. Chilam Balam other books contain references to the 13th b'ak'tun, but it is not clear whether this is in the past or the future, for example oxhun bakam u katunil (bakam of thirteen k'atuns) in the Chilam Balam of Chumayel.

Secular prediction

Scientists are fairly certain that life on earth can not survive more than five billion years from now. At that time, the sun will become unstable. Will expand into a red giant and swallow the Earth. However, all this will happen in the near future.

A large asteroid could theoretically hit Earth every time, and such a collision occurred at irregular intervals. In 2002, astronomers detected an asteroid the size of a football field. It passed close to Earth about a third of the way between the earth and the moon. What is surprising is that they only detected when really close to the earth. If steroids hit the earth, will have the same powers hydrogen bombs.

Mayans calendrerical maping

Actually Maya is a ritual topography such as mountains, wells and caves. Thus, the city tempst ginggal virtual nation surrounded by seven baths ancestors, with one of them regarded as the ancestral residence. As in pre-Hispanic past, which is an important part of the ritual that took place near the landmark it.

Ritual is regulated not only by geography from the holy places and temples, but also by the model calendar. Contemporary Quichean Momostenango, for example, a particular combination of day-names and numbers are considered to come from a special temple in the mountains, is the right time to perform the ritual. Maya highlands northwest, four days that can start the year assigned to the four mountains. In the early-colonial Yucatan, cotton thirteenth period and their god is mapped to a view in certain cities.

The main ritual is a ritual that regulate divinatory cycle of 260 days, and in eighteen months and months of public celebration in conjunction with the New Year celebration that complex, has been described for the Yucatec Kingdom Mani. It is not known how far this cycle is also used by other Yucatec kingdom and whether it also applies to the Maya before.

Beginning and ending the world

Classical cycle within the framework of thirteen katuns, some of Chilam Balam Books Yucatec presents a flood myth that describes the collapse of the sky, then the flood and the reestablishment of the world and five trees on the return cycle. In this cosmic drama, the gods Lightning (Bolon Dzacab), Earth Crocodile (Itzam Cab Ain) and the divine bearer of heaven and earth (Bacabs) has an important role to play. Quichean the Popol Vuh does not mention the collapse of the heavens and the formation of five trees, instead focusing on the succession of previous mankinds.

For the classic Maya, the Long Count date basis followed after the completion of thirteen previous era, who speculated about the act of special creation.

Although no longer subject to fall between the 16th century royal Yucatec, the Long Count of the previous kingdoms, could theoretically be extended in a linear with thirteen other baktun completed in 2012. There are no data indicating that the end of the world and the next start is expected to happen after this.