The relationship between global catastrophe and the calendar of the Maya is mostly fiction and the Mayans never said the world would end in that year. Some scientists say that only a happy coincidence that all of these reasons have connected to the virtual tribe and perhaps from some of the reasons why so few other scientists argue the opposite.
Of course, the Mayans just one of dozens of major civilizations and there is no particular reason to assume that the Mayan calendar is more cosmically significant or valid than the hundreds of other calendar systems in use throughout history. Mayan calendar is divided into the Seven Ages of Man. The fourth era ended in August 1987. Mayan calendar ends on Sunday, December 23, 2012. Only a few people would survive the disasters that followed. In the fifth age, humanity will realize its spiritual destiny. At the age of six, we will realize God within ourselves, and in the seventh age we will become so spiritual that we will be telepathic.